“Jesus, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you something to eat or thirsty and gave you something to drink?
When you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.”
At St. Andrew, we care for “the least of these” by providing hands-on service, financial support, and gifts-in-kind to people in need. Check out some of our partners—and if you're interested in volunteering (all ages are welcome), email
Community Table
In partnership with the Bridge House Ready to Work program, trainees learn job skills and earn money while preparing meals for the hungry in the community. The meals are then served at local churches by volunteers. St. Andrew has been serving at Community Table for more than 25 years.
Want to help? We serve dinner on the second Thursday of every month.
Emergency Family Assistance Association
EFAA helps those with immediate needs for food, shelter, and other necessities, and supports their efforts toward financial stability and self-sufficiency. St. Andrew collects food weekly for EFAA and typically provides more than 2,000 pounds of food per year.
Want to help? Bring food donations to church on Sunday, and we'll deliver them to EFAA. Or volunteer to help with the weekly deliveries.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels provides daily nutritious meals and related support services to members of our community in need, helping them to live with dignity in their own homes.
Want to help? St. Andrew delivers meals on Fridays. The typical volunteer driver invests two to three hours one Friday per month.
Common Hope
Common Hope promotes education in Guatemala by supporting families with wrap-around services such as social workers, housing, healthcare, and early literacy programs. Through their efforts, 1,930 kids in the greater-Antigua area have graduated from high school.
An inter-generational group from St. Andrew will go to Antigua, Guatemala from June 9-16, 2024.
Click HERE for a video of the last St. Andrew Common Hope Mission trip!
More Partners
St. Andrew also provided financial support and gifts-in-kind to: NAACP Boulder, CROP Walk, Family Promise of Denver, Shiloh House, Raw Tools, Lutheran Family Services, African Community Center, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (Haiti)
12-Step Groups
We also provide meeting space for: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics