New Here?
As most people in Colorado are aware, aspen trees aren't individual trees but are connected underground by a complex root system. Given how many trees can be connected, these petite, beautiful trees can join together into mighty organisms. In fact, the largest organism in the world is a single Quaking Aspen in Utah. When we're at our best, the church functions in much the same way: we are connected, and we come together to be nourished, fed, and refreshed even though we live our lives in distinct places. We recognize that our life "above the soil" is only possible when we tend to our life "below the soil," and we realize that without the trunk and branches, the roots don't really serve much of a purpose. Our life of faith is most robust when we balance both dimensions: the interconnectedness that helps nourish our roots and the expression of faith that only comes through wide-reaching branches.
That's the kind of worship and service we nurture.
“May prayer feed your actions, and may your actions feed the world.”
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Do you have in-person or virtual worship services?
We offer hybrid worship services in the sanctuary every Sunday starting at 10:30 AM. We welcome you to worship with us in-person or by Zoom. Details about St. Andrew worship services can be found on the Worship page of the website.
What should I wear to worship?
Please wear whatever is comfortable for you. Some people believe it's important to dress up for worship as a sign of respect for God. Other people believe it's important to come casually as a sign that God accepts us as we are. We have people in suits and people in shorts (even in the winter).
What about the worship service bulletins?
We share a digital bulletin every week on the Worship page of the website. Feel free to access it on a mobile device, or pick up a hard copy of the bulletin when you arrive at church.
I have kids. What should they expect?
We believe children already have a relationship with God, and we’re here to help nurture it! We offer several options for children and youth to participate in worship or Christian education:
Children are always welcome in worship. Should the caregivers or children prefer, our Nursery is open from 9 AM- 12 PM. During the 10:30 AM service, there is an intentionally child-friendly time for all ages to wonder about Scripture together. There is a Pray-Ground in the back of the sanctuary that has coloring pages and fidgets kids can use at the table or take back to their seats. We have a Kids’ Sunday School for K-5th graders from 9:30-10:15am during the school year.
Youth (middle & high schoolers) are always welcome in worship, too! We offer youth group every Sunday during the school year from 12:00noon - 1:00pm. We also enjoy outings to Water World, hiking, paddle boarding, etc.
Where are you located?
We are on Baseline, directly east of Williams Village (the tallest building in Boulder).